
October 2nd , 2024



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3 days ago


Have you ever wondered how to be childfree after unprotected sex?  with some natural cures to aid.

Relax, you're not alone. Similar circumstances happens  to many people as well.

I'm here to offer advice on how to avoid getting pregnant by using natural remedies at home, as well as some things to consider when doing so.

Things To Consider Before Trying Natural Pregnancy Prevention Methods

1.Effectiveness: No natural home remedy that claims to stop pregnancy has been proven to be 100% successful.

2.Consequences: Before beginning to use these home remedies, always seek appropriate medical counsel. Utilizing natural goods may have some serious adverse consequences.

3.Fertile period: The timing of your ovulation determines your likelihood of becoming pregnant. Before stating your natural cure, you should be clear about when you are fertile as this could upset your entire cycle. The time during your menstrual cycle when you are most fertile is known as your fertility phase. Couples hoping to get pregnant want to conceive at this time. It is the period of time leading up to and including the day of ovulation, which is five days.

Home Remedies To Avoid Pregnancy After Unprotected Sex



The benefits of unripe papaya include avoiding ovum fertilization. Papain, a naturally occurring enzyme found in papaya, is thought to interfere with menstruation by preventing the egg from fertilizing the sperm. In the unlikely chance that the egg becomes fertilized by then, it also stops implantation. Increase your intake of raw papaya to lower your fertility risk.



Pineapple is one of the healthful meals that has long been known to avoid pregnancy. A ripe pineapple inhibits  uterine implantation of the fertilized egg.

Eat four to five fresh pineapple slices every day until your menstruation arrives. You have to be careful not to eat too much of it because that could upset your stomach.



It's assumed that this has the ability to induce periods. Drinking tea made from ginger provides you with contraceptive advantages. To extract the essence of ginger into your tea, crush some ginger while it's boiling.

One of the safest natural medicines, it helps with digestive problems, skin discoloration, and weight loss in addition to being helpful for avoiding implantation. Take one of these pills daily until your menstruation arrives.



For a very long time, neem has been used medicinally to avoid pregnancy. It can be applied physically, like a contraceptive cream, or consumed as a supplement.

The inherent properties of neem are believed to have a contraceptive effect by blocking the implantation of a fertilized egg and averting an unintended pregnancy.
Neem may have adverse effects and there is little scientific data to support its effectiveness as a method of contraception.

Before using neem to prevent pregnancy after sex, as with any method of contraception, it is best to speak with a healthcare provider.

5.Sesamon seeds


You can use this as a snack or as an ingredient in other recipes if that's how you feel. There are inherent contraceptive qualities in sesame seeds.

6.Vitamin C(Ascorbic acid)

Another natural strategy to avoid an unintended pregnancy is believed to involve vitamin C. Progesterone is a hormone that this vitamin interferes with and may help prevent pregnancy.

After unprotected sex, take 1500 mg of vitamin C twice a day for two to three days to avoid getting pregnant. But be careful—consuming too much vitamin C might be detrimental to your body and health.

 Speak with a healthcare professional before using any  of the above  form of birth control. And always resort to using scientifically proven methods such as condoms as always as possible.

Meet the Author

Philemon Abanga

content writer

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